The humble hearted Riaz Basha is a source of great inspiration and a winning influence to your confidence and personal well being. Hailing from a middle class background, with more no-haves, than haves, he has risen to become a successful entrepreneur in the world of audience engagement. Riaz activates the hunger in you to push your limits and beliefs and is fondly called ‘THE ACTIVATOR’ by most corporate teams he works with, thanks to his highly contagious positive outlook towards life.

“It’s a privilege to share an Inspirational thought with my audience, one that fires up their future actions”- RIAZ BASHA


With a bag full of fresh, unique and enriching experiences, Riaz sets a perfect atmosphere to drive great participation and involvement from his audience, making every session a highly energetic, fun and a memorable one.

The core objective of his session is to focus on the emotional take away. He uses a combination of facts, stories, videos and significant characters that make his audience sit back, put on their thinking hats and inspire them to enrich their tomorrow.


FIRE IN YOUR HEARTS – ICE BREAKER – A signature opening act that makes his audience realize, they have a lot of fire power waiting to be unleashed.

BALLOON PINS – Learn how to protect your dream from dream killers and how to never let your dream go out of your sight!

CURRENCY & VALUE – A signature activity that helps people realize how to value what they have. It also helps them realize the power to let go, in order to receive something better.

SILENT WHISPERS – An excellent activity that increases concentration levels and imbibes the importance of Team Work.

TAXI RIDE – SERVICE EXCELLENCE – Inspired from global service levels, this activity helps participants realize their current service level, and make them think about enhanced service experience to their customers.

CREATING A SUPER YOU! – Riaz explores topics that trigger self-confidence and your success… positive mental attitude, productivity, goals and desires, Price you pay, expressing gratitude, currency conversation, hunger in you, protecting your dream, dealing with customers/clients are a few of his extremely influential topics during his sessions. The organizations which choose Riaz as their Activator benefit hugely from increased productivity, commitment to the organization, improved team work, enhanced efficiency and re-discovering passion in the respective jobs of the associates.

SESSION TAKEAWAYS – Why they do what they do, increased self-confidence, expressing gratitude, developing a better work-life balance, achieving more in a stipulated time, valuing what they have more than what they don’t, and many more learning are a part of his motivational sessions.